martes, 8 de marzo de 2011

Other useful Maven plugins (Part II)

BuildNumber Maven Plugin

This mojo is designed to get a unique build number for each time you build your project. So while your version may remain constant at 1.0-SNAPSHOT for many iterations until release, you will have a build number that can uniquely identify each build during that time. The build number is obtained from scm, and in particular, at this time, from svn. You can then place that build number in metadata, which can be accessed from your app, if desired.

The mojo also has a couple of extra functions to ensure you get the proper build number. First, your local repository is checked to make sure it is up to date. Second, your local repository is automatically updated, so that you get the latest build number. Both these functions can be suppressed, if desired.

Optionally, you can configure this mojo to produce a revision based on a timestamp, or on a sequence, without requiring any interaction with an SCM system. Note that currently, the only supported SCM is subversion.



I use this plugin for a highly detailed file name and, in a interface variable, showing to user the build number of this compilation, in order to trace back any problem.

    <finalName>${project.artifactId}-${project.version} r${hudson-env}</finalName>

Maven Release Plugin

This plugin is used to release a project with Maven, saving a lot of repetitive, manual work. Releasing a project is made in two steps: prepare and perform.

I usually use this plugin manually for creating Tags, Branches and commit releases from command line. As far I have investigated, tagBase is project dependent, so they are scm parameters.




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