miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2011

Jenkins, the definitive guide, extract.

Today I am not giving my opinion about this book, "Jenkins: The Definitive Guide", but, if I would, I would be a good opinion, it is a definitive guide, it is quite complete and didactic. I read it through in my company today, and I want to remark the next paragraph:

"Introducing Continuous Integration into Your Organization

Continuous Integration is not an all-or-nothing affair. In fact, introducing CI into an
organization takes you on a path that progresses through several distinct phases. Each
of these phases involves incremental improvements to the technical infrastructure as
well as, perhaps more importantly, improvements in the practices and culture of the
development team itself. In the following paragraphs, I have tried to paint an approx-
imate picture of each phase.

Phase 1—No Build Server

Initially, the team has no central build server of any kind. Software is built manually
on a developer’s machine, though it may use an Ant script or similar to do so. Source
code may be stored in a central source code repository, but developers do not neces-
sarily commit their changes on a regular basis. Some time before a release is scheduled,
a developer manually integrates the changes, a process which is generally associated
with pain and suffering.

Phase 2—Nightly Builds

In this phase, the team has a build server, and automated builds are scheduled on a
regular (typically nightly) basis. This build simply compiles the code, as there are no
reliable or repeatable unit tests. Indeed, automated tests, if they are written, are not a
mandatory part of the build process, and may well not run correctly at all. However
developers now commit their changes regularly, at least at the end of every day. If a
developer commits code changes that conflict with another developer’s work, the build
server alerts the team via email the following morning. Nevertheless, the team still tends
to use the build server for information purposes only—they feel little obligation to fix
a broken build immediately, and builds may stay broken on the build server for some

Phase 3—Nightly Builds and Basic Automated Tests

The team is now starting to take Continuous Integration and automated testing more
seriously. The build server is configured to kick off a build whenever new code is com-
mitted to the version control system, and team members are able to easily see what
changes in the source code triggered a particular build, and what issues these changes
address. In addition, the build script compiles the application and runs a set of auto-
mated unit and/or integration tests. In addition to email, the build server also alerts
team members of integration issues using more proactive channels such as Instant
Messaging. Broken builds are now generally fixed quickly.

6 | Chapter 1: Introducing Jenkins

Phase 4—Enter the Metrics

Automated code quality and code coverage metrics are now run to help evaluate the
quality of the code base and (to some extent, at least) the relevance and effectiveness
of the tests. The code quality build also automatically generates API documentation
for the application. All this helps teams keep the quality of the code base high, alerting
team members if good testing practices are slipping. The team has also set up a “build
radiator,” a dashboard view of the project status that is displayed on a prominent screen
visible to all team members.

Phase 5—Getting More Serious About Testing

The benefits of Continuous Integration are closely related to solid testing practices.
Now, practices like Test-Driven Development are more widely practiced, resulting in
a growing confidence in the results of the automated builds. The application is no longer
simply compiled and tested, but if the tests pass, it is automatically deployed to an
application server for more comprehensive end-to-end tests and performance tests.

Phase 6—Automated Acceptance Tests and More Automated

Acceptance-Test Driven Development is practiced, guiding development efforts and
providing high-level reporting on the state of the project. These automated tests use
Behavior-Driven Development and Acceptance-Test Driven Development tools to act
as communication and documentation tools and documentation as much as testing
tools, publishing reports on test results in business terms that non-developers can un-
derstand. Since these high-level tests are automated at an early stage in the development
process, they also provide a clear idea of what features have been implemented, and
which remain to be done. The application is automatically deployed into test environ-
ments for testing by the QA team either as changes are committed, or on a nightly basis;
a version can be deployed (or “promoted”) to UAT and possibly production environ-
ments using a manually-triggered build when testers consider it ready. The team is also
capable of using the build server to back out a release, rolling back to a previous release,
if something goes horribly wrong.

Phase 7—Continuous Deployment

Confidence in the automated unit, integration and acceptance tests is now such that
teams can apply the automated deployment techniques developed in the previous phase
to push out new changes directly into production.

Introducing Continuous Integration into Your Organization | 7

The progression between levels here is of course somewhat approximate, and may not
always match real-world situations. For example, you may well introduce automated
web tests before integrating code quality and code coverage reporting. However, it
should give a general idea of how implementing a Continuous Integration strategy in
a real world organization generally works."

One of the best explanations about how to get into Continuous Integration in a coherent way. I hope the author (John Ferguson Smart) don't mind I took this paragraph, I am advertising the book in exchange!

miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2011

Roll your own continuous integration system - Artifactory and MySQL

Roll your own Continuous Integration System (C.I.S.)

Install Tomcat
Basic Tomcat configuration - Memory
Basic Tomcat configuration - JMX
Basic Tomcat configuration - Application Manager and permissions
Apache and uSVN 
Installing Artifactory from WAR
Configure Artifactory and MySQL
Configuring Artifactory security and repositories 

Configuracion de MySQL

This is a very short post, and the reason is that this is more like a remainder that the default installation cannot be used for production environments without changing default database manager (Derby) for any other. My choice is MySQL + filesystem.

Artifactory guys explained it perfectly in their wiki, just take a look, it is easy and I have just tested it, no problem.


It is supposed that you have just installed it from the WAR, stop Tomcat, erase from your artifactory_home everything but "etc", it is the only folder you will need for the derby->anyother change.

Now follow the steps, if you did them alright, you will find the erased folders re-created again, and the following command will show you that some tables were created in the MySQL database: mysqlshow -u root -p artifactory .

Now continue tunning a bit this software in the next entry.