miércoles, 22 de diciembre de 2010

CheckStyle Eclipse plugin. Installation

CheckStyle Eclipse plugin. Installation
Tunning your CheckStyle and Formatter
Every programmer working as only one
What if... I get a "Fileset from project [projectname] has no valid check configuration" Error?
CheckStyle configuration distribution

In the lollipop world, your code and my code are completely equal, it is also well formatted, well documented and optimized for every executer machine. In that world, bugs does not exist, clients only do what they are supposed to do and the big boss never downplays your suggestions.

In a perfect world, your code and mine differs but not so much, your cat never walk over your keyboard and your pretty workmate is in love for you.

In this very real world, the stupid mate will not format a line correctly unless Damocles insert his sword in his back-door, clients bring up over your user manual and, probably, over the inexistent specification. Ups, I almost forget it, your ugly workmate is sexually harassing you.

In order to pacify this war field, the first tool I bring to you is CheckStyle Eclipse Plugin.

Description from its webpage: Checkstyle is a development tool to help programmers write Java code that adheres to a coding standard. It automates the process of checking Java code to spare humans of this boring (but important) task. This makes it ideal for projects that want to enforce a coding standard.

The installation is quite easy, as said here, in your Eclipse/SpringSource just

1. In Eclipse go to Help->Software Updates...

2. Add a new installation site and providehttp://eclipse-cs.sf.net/update/ as location URL.

3. Mark the plugin version you would like to install, as well as future optional features, then press Install...

4. Review and confirm the plugins to install

5. Restart Eclipse

Afterwards, right click over your project -> CheckStyle -> Activate CheckStyle. Then you might find something like this:

You are able to see my best code ;) (I am sorry for Spanish description).

A bit summary of warnings in the code window:

-Javadoc is missing
-Missing package-info java file
-Comment is like to-do comment
- { should be in previous line
among others.

Firstly, with a Source -> Format (Ctrl + Shift + F) we will keep aesthetic warnings low.

I pass from 34 to 26 warnings, check how "{" have been moved and now they pass CheckStyle filter.

The Formatter and the Checkstyle Plugin must be synchronized, otherwise every formatting you do, and you should delegate format in tools like this, you will gain CheckStyle warnings in an endless war.

Benefits for a single programmers are limited, but benefits for a entire team that must work together are incalculable. If not this, tools like CheckStyle (and an automatic code formatter) are obligatory in every development department.

An article about Tunning CheckStyle in the oven...

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